An easy way to reduce functions/methods length and stick to single responsibility principle is to extract a portion of the function body as a separate function/method.
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Some of important PHP 7.* features
List of important PHP code syntax changes from PHP 7.0 to 8.0
New PHP features let the code to be safer, faster and less error prone.
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What is data clumps and how to refactor it?
When more than one data are passed around the code together, make an object out of it
Data clumps happens when two or more data are often passed around the code together.
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PHP magic methods for object oriented programming
They don't exist but they work for you
You can make your PHP classes dynamic by using magic methods.
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What is Duck Typing in computer programming?
In duck typing, the type of object is not important, what it can do or what properties it has are important.
If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck
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