You can make your PHP classes dynamic by using magic methods.

Example usages:

  • a model class which fetches a database record can use magic properties to return each record’s field value.
    • $user_name = $user.age returns age field from user row,
    • $user_age = $user.created_at returns record creation date
  • a model class which fetches a database record can use magic methods to get custom criteria for each field.
    • whereAge(10) where age = 10,
    • whereCity('london') where city = ‘london’
class Example {
    public $test = 'My Test Property';
    public function __get($property_name){
        return "$property_name doesn't exists but you still can handle it.";

    public function __call($method_name, $args){
        return "$method_name doesn't exists but you still can handle it.";

    public static function __callStatic($static_method_name, $arguments){
        return "$static_method_name doesn't exists but you still can handle it.";

    function __toString() {
        return "you can use a class as an string";

$example = new Example();

// prints some_property doesn't exists but you still can handle it.
echo $example->some_property;

// prints some_method doesn't exists but you still can handle it.
echo $example->some_method();

// prints some_static_method doesn't exists but you still can handle it.
echo $example::some_static_method();

// prints you can use a class as an string
echo $example;

More PHP magic methods on official documentation